An ADULT must attend their child's regularly scheduled dance class AT THE STUDIO the week of May 18th-23rd. This will be the only DRESS rehearsal.  
We will go over all recital DETAILS at dress rehearsal....Everything from stage hair & make up to all instructions needed for show night.


The following classes need to have(& bring) these items for CLASS the week of DRESS REHEARSAL(May 18-23rd). 

 Tuesday 4:45 class... You will need black leggings
 Tuesday 5:45 class... You will need black leggings
 Tuesday 6:45 class... You will need black leggings
 Wednesday 4:45 class... You will need black leggings
 Wednesday 6:45 class... You will need black leggings
If your class is NOT listed here, then everything you will need will be provided.



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