
Rates & Payment options


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How are we able to keep costs so low?

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Classes meet once a week and follow the Greenfield Public School schedule in terms of holidays and school breaks off. Ultimately, we provide a 35 class curriculum during our dance season with low cost payment options.     

Per student: 
Option 1: Monthly: $35 (10 installments)  
Option 2:  2  payments…$165 in September, $165  in February (save $20)
Option 3:  1 yearly payment. $320 (save $30)
Loyalty Rate (Those who have completed 10 yrs.)
Yearly rate $250
Payment options:
In full: $250
2 payments:  $125 in September, $125 in February
Monthly: $25
15th Year get your class for free!
Checks:  Should be made out to Dawn's School of Dance. Please put the child's name in the memo line.
Cash:  Must be in an envelope. Envelopes are available at the studio. Be sure to put the child's name on it, as well as the amount enclosed.
 * If you choose to perform in the recital, the Costume fee averages $55 for the year and can
also  be broken down into intallments and included in your monthly tuition.

















      Voted #1 for dance classes!




























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